Sunday, March 6, 2016

Vast Blue Project (Gulf of Mexico Solution Set)

Goal: Creation of an oceanic desalinization plant designed to oxygenate ocean water in addition to creating fresh water for consumption.

Inciting Ideas: Originally inspired by Project Eden and the environmental concerns raised in against the Carlsbad Desalination Plant, the first purpose was to minimize the impact of desalination by drawing the water from further out in the ocean to better preserve coastal marine diversity.  

Ideal locations for initial sites would be ocean dead zones, where marine life damage would be further minimized while refining the site designs before expanding their reach.

Further research into ocean dead zones revealed a possibility of utilizing plant structure to oxygenate coastal ocean water in addition to performing desalinization.

Project Site:

The Vast Blue Center, West South West of Marsh Island, Louisiana.

Proposed Support Sites:


Project Vast Blue: To Support Life in and Out of the Oceans

The plant design is multitiered with a wet inner core that allows ocean water to be drawn up from deeper portions before being processed. The plant itself will double as an independent research facility, housing hydroponics, labs, and living quarters.

Ocean water is drawn through support piping from the deepest parts of the ocean filtered up toward the top of the structure, where it is separated, fresh water is collected, and waste water is mixed back with surplus sea water , run through aeration processes, then piped back down to deeper water to return nutrients and oxygen back to the environment. 

If you have a disagreement with an idea presented here, I appreciate your reasonable counter-proposal for an alternative methods of implementing the project or achieving the project goals.

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